8% and a HSP coverage of 98.2%. Gefitinib cost The five most frequent keywords within the labels of environmental samples which yielded hits were ‘spring’ (9.2%), ‘microbi’ (6.8%), ‘hot’ (6.2%), ‘nation/park/yellowston’ (5.4%) and ‘popul’ (4.8%) (150 hits in total), indicating a good fit to the original habitat of D. mucosus. Environmental samples which yielded hits of a higher score than the highest scoring species were not found. Figure 1 shows the phylogenetic neighborhood of D. mucosus in a 16S rRNA based tree. A 16S rRNA reference sequence for D. mucosus has not been previously published. Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree highlighting the position of D. mucosus relative to the other type strains within the family Desulfurococcaceae. The tree was inferred from 1,334 aligned characters [12,13] of the 16S rRNA gene sequence under the maximum likelihood criterion .
.. The non-motile cells of strain O7/1T are spheroid with diameters of 0.3 to 2.0 ��m [1] (Figure 2), sometimes up to 10 ��m [23], surrounded by a slimy mucoid layer, which covers the envelope and consists of neutral sugars and a small fraction of amino sugars [24] (Figure 2). In growing cultures, cells of strain O7/1T were often found in pairs [2] (Table 1). Cells of strain O7/1T can be differentiated from those of D. mobilis, the closest relative of D. mucosus, which are mobile by monopolar polytrichous flagella and devoid of the mucous polymer surrounding the D. mucosus cells [1,23]. Strain O7/1T can utilize yeast extract and casein or its tryptic digests, but not casamino acids as the sole carbon source, by sulfur respiration with the production of H2S and CO2, or by fermentation [1].
Growing cultures synthesize a strong smelling uncharacterized product [1]. Cultures require little or no NaCl in growth media [1,23]. The temperature range for growth of strain O7/1T is 76 to 93oC, with an optimum at 85oC [1,23]. At the optimal growth temperature, the generation time of strain O7/1T was about four hours [1]. The pH range is 4.5 to 7.0, with an optimum at 6.0 [1,23]. Sugars, starch, glycogen, alcohols and intermediary metabolites are also not utilized [1]. Strain O7/1T lacks an intron in the 23S RNA gene, which has been described for its close relative D. mobilis [35]. Figure 2 Scanning electron micrograph of D. mucosus strain O7/1T Table 1 Classification and general features of D.
mucosus 07/1T according to the MIGS recommendations [25]. Chemotaxonomy According to Zillig et al. Batimastat 1982 [1], the cell envelope of the strain O7/1T is flexible and probably composed of two layers of which at least the outer one appears to consist of subunits perpendicular to the surface [1]. Scarce information is available regarding the lipid composition of D. mucosus. The lipids in the strain O7/1T are composed of phytanol and C40 polyisoprenoid dialcohols [1]. The polar lipid profile of the closely related D.