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“Background: The controversial

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“Background: The controversial effects promoted by cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) on the ventricular repolarization (VR) have motivated VR evaluation by body surface potential mapping (BSPM) in CRT patients. Methods: Fifty-two CRT patients, mean age 58.8 +/- 12.3 years, 31 male, LVEF 27.5 +/- 9.2, NYHA III-IV heart failure with QRS181.5 +/- 14.2 ms, underwent 87-lead BSPM in sinus rhythm (BASELINE) and biventricular pacing (BIV). Measurements of mean and corrected QT intervals and dispersion, mean and corrected T peak end intervals and their dispersion, and JT intervals characterized global and regional (RV, Intermediate, and LV regions) ventricular repolarization response. Results: Global QTm (P < 0.001) and QTcm (P < 0.05) were decreased in BIV; QTm was similar across regions in both modes (P = ns); QTcm values were lower in RV/LV than in Intermediate region in BASELINE and BIV (P < 0.001); only RV/Septum showed see more a significant difference (P < 0.01) in the BIV mode. QTD values both of BASELINE (P < 0.01) and BIV (P < 0.001) were greater in the Intermediate than in the LV region. CRT effect significantly reduced global/regional QTm and QTcm values. QTD was globally decreased in RV/LV (Intermediate: P = ns). BIV mode significantly reduced global T peak end mean and corrected intervals and their dispersion. JT values were not significant. Conclusions: Ventricular repolarization

parameters QTm, QTcm, and QTD global/regional values, as assessed by BSPM, were reduced in patients under CRT with severe HF and LBBB. Greater recovery impairment in the Intermediate Alisertib molecular weight region was detected by the smaller

variation of its dispersion.”
“Findings on alexithymic emotion difficulties have been inconsistent. We examined potential differences between A-1331852 supplier alexithymic and control participants in general arousal, reactivity, facial and subjective expression, emotion labeling, and covariation between emotion response systems. A depth of processing intervention was introduced. Fifty-four participants (27 alexithymic), selected using the Toronto Alexithymia Scale-20, completed an imagery experiment (imagining joy, fear and neutral scripts), under instructions for shallow or deep emotion processing. Heart rate, skin conductance, facial electromyography and startle reflex were recorded along with subjective ratings. Results indicated hypo-reactivity to emotion among high alexithymic individuals, smaller and slower startle responses, and low covariation between physiology and self-report. No deficits in facial expression, labeling and emotion ratings were identified. Deep processing was associated with increased physiological reactivity and lower perceived dominance and arousal in high alexithymia. Findings suggest a tendency for avoidance of intense, unpleasant emotions and less defensive action preparation in alexithymia. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Experiencing a whiplash trauma raised the odds for future negativ

Experiencing a whiplash trauma raised the odds for future negative change in provisional situation (OR (95% CI) = 3.1 (2.3; 4.4)) compared with controls. Conclusions Sick leave before the collision strongly predicted prolonged

recovery following whiplash trauma. Participants with acute whiplash trauma had weaker attachment to labour market pre-collision compared with the general population. Neck pain at inclusion predicted future neck pain. Acute whiplash trauma may trigger pre-existing vulnerabilities increasing risk of developing whiplash-associated disorders.”
“Cisplatin and CAL-101 related chemotherapeutics are potent emetogens in humans and least shrews, a small animal emesis model which also vomits in response to substance P (SP). The SP-producing preprotachykinin-1 (PPT1) mRNA is transcribed from the Tac1 gene, which has been sequenced from several animal species and humans and is highly conserved. Despite its prominent role in chemotherapy-induced vomiting, the tachykininergic LY3039478 datasheet system is not well-characterized in emesis-competent species. This study was undertaken to further establish Cryptotis parva as an emesis model, by sequencing and characterizing SP mRNA, and then comparing the least shrew tachykininergic system to other mammalian species (vomiting and non-vomiting). The cDNA for least shrew beta-PPT1 was successfully cloned and partially sequenced,

and found to be 90% homologous to the human sequence, with the SP-producing portion identical to humans. initial in situ hybridization results demonstrated induction of beta-PPT1 mRNA in the gut following cisplatin administration. These were followed up with mRNA quantification (via QPCR) at multiple time points following cisplatin injection. PPT1 mRNA levels in the brain spiked at 4 h (19-fold increase)

and 24 h (20-fold increase) in correlation AZD7762 with cisplatin-induced emesis. PPT1 mRNA in the gut spiked at 28 h (similar to 6.5-fold increase), correlated with the later phase of vomiting. These results validate the least shrew as a tachykinin model at the molecular level. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier B.V.”
“Background: A diagnostic prediction model for peanut allergy in children was recently published, using 6 predictors: sex, age, history, skin prick test, peanut specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE), and total IgE minus peanut sIgE.\n\nObjectives: To validate this model and update it by adding allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis, and sIgE to peanut components Ara h 1, 2, 3, and 8 as candidate predictors. To develop a new model based only on sIgE to peanut components.\n\nMethods: Validation was performed by testing discrimination (diagnostic value) with an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve and calibration (agreement between predicted and observed frequencies of peanut allergy) with the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and a calibration plot. The performance of the (updated) models was similarly analyzed.

Patients exhibiting a choroideremia-like fundus without choroider

Patients exhibiting a choroideremia-like fundus without choroideremia gene mutations should also be screened for RP2 mutations.\n\nClinical Relevance: An identifiable phenotype for RP2-XLRP aids in clinical diagnosis and targeted genetic screening.”
“For phosphonated copolymers, the effect of distance of the phosphonate group from the polymer backbone on the Ca(2+) chelating capability and the adsorption behavior on cement was studied. For this purpose, 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane

phosphonic acid (AMPPA) and vinyl phosphonic acid (VPA), respectively, were reacted in an aqueous free-radical polymerization with N,N-dimethylacrylamide (NNDMA) and 2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid (AMPS(R)) to give poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate-co-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanephosphonate) GS-7977 solubility dmso (CaAMPS(R)-co-NND MA-co-CaAMPPA) and poly(N,N-dimethylacrylamide-co-2-acrylamido-2-methylpropanesulfonate-co-vinylphosphonate) (CaAMPS-co-NNDMA-co-CaVPA), respectively. Adsorption behavior and thus performance of the terpolymers strongly depend on their calcium binding capacity. Ca(2+) selective conductivity measurements

show that the AMPPA modified terpolymer chelates less calcium than the VPA polymer. Therefore, it interacts less with surfaces containing calcium atoms/ions. To investigate the consequences for practical applications adsorbed amounts on cement surface and effectiveness as water retention agent (fluid loss additive, FLA) in oil well cement slurries with and without acetone-formaldehyde-sulfite (AFS) dispersant were determined.

CaAMPS-co-NNDMA-co-CaAMPPA and AFS adsorb simultaneously whereas CaAMPS-co-NNDMA-co-CaVPA does not allow dispersant adsorption. The reason is that affinity of phosphonate functions towards Ca(2+) selleck ions is reduced with increasing distance from the polymer backbone. Thus, AMPPA is a weaker anchor group than VPA. Zeta potential measurements indicate that the increased length of the side chain holding the phosphonate function decreases the anionic charge density of the polymer. Accordingly, CaAMPS-co-NNDMA-co-CaAMPPA appears to develop weaker bonds with the cement surface. Upon addition of AFS, the AMPPA modified FLA can change its adsorbed conformation from “train” to “loop” or “tail” mode and thus provide space for the dispersant to adsorb as well. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 115: 1758-1768, 2010″
“Forty six spring-calving Holstein-Friesians (12 primiparous, 34 pluriparous) were block-paired (expected calving date, parity, body condition score and genetic merit) and allocated to either a PASTURE or HOUSED system for a full production cycle (-40 to 305 days relative to calving). Both hind claws were inspected on six occasions (-40,10, 35.

Results and Discussion: Thirteen trials were identified (eigh

\n\nResults and Discussion: Thirteen trials were identified (eight randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, one crossover adult trial, one open-label uncontrolled adult trial, two open-label uncontrolled paediatric trials and one case report). Of the eight randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, three studied adult subjects and one studied children. Metformin was well tolerated. find more The heterogeneity of the trials did not justify meta-analytic

pooling of outcomes, and we provide a best evidence synthesis.\n\nWhat is new and Conclusion: There is limited evidence for the efficacy of metformin in limiting weight-gain induced by atypical antipsychotic agents. However, the evidence is weak and further well-powered selleckchem randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies of longer duration should be conducted to confirm the preliminary evidence and provide better estimates of effect.”
“The insight that decreases in left ventricular (LV) volume and mass occur secondary to the recovery of the myocardium at the cellular and molecular level has engendered a wider appreciation of the importance of LV remodelling as a mechanism for worsening heart failure. Despite these recent insights into the recognition of the importance of LV reverse remodelling in heart failure, many clinicians do not consider simple measurements

of LV structure (i.e. LV volume) in their routine clinical decision-making process, preferring instead to rely on measurements of LV function [e.g. ejection fraction (EF)] when making decisions about medical and surgical treatment options. Although there are probably multiple reasons of why the use of LV volumes has not gained wider acceptance in day-to-day clinical management of heart failure patients, the most likely reason is that clinicians buy Copanlisib remain extremely comfortable using the LVEF to assess their heart failure patients. Importantly, LV volumes predict outcome more reliably than does the EF. Moreover, knowledge regarding LV volumes is extremely useful in optimizing patient selection for surgical and device therapies.

Based on the foregoing arguments, we suggest that it is time to begin developing individualized clinical strategies based upon a consideration of the important role that LV remodelling plays in the pathogenesis of heart failure, and that we begin to incorporate measurements of LV volume and mass into the clinical decision-making process.”
“Background: This cross-sectional study explored relationships between psychosocial work environment, captured by job demand-control (JDC) and effort-reward imbalance (ERI), and seven cardiovascular heart disease (CHD) risk factors in a general population.\n\nMethod: The sampled consists of randomly-selected men and women from Gothenburg, Sweden and the city’s surrounding metropolitan areas.

“A 63-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic papillar

“A 63-year-old man presented with an asymptomatic papillary, sessile lesion of the juxtalimbal bulbar conjunctiva that was surgically IKK inhibitor excised with cryotherapy. Histopathologically, the lesion created some diagnostic confusion as it displayed an endophytic, or inverted, growth pattern-with squamous cells pushing into the substantia propria around fibrovascular cores, but without significant cytologic atypia, consistent with a conjunctival inverted papilloma (IP). Unlike previously reported cases of conjunctival IP, there were no goblet cells or cysts within the tumor. Immunostaining was diffusely positive for cytokeratin (CK) 7, and CK14 stained the basilar and

suprabasilar cells, as in normal conjunctiva. CK17 weakly and non-uniformly stained the tumor, ruling out a dysplasia, which is usually strongly

positive. The lesion’s cytokeratin profile therefore paralleled that of normal conjunctiva. The proliferation index with Ki67 nuclear staining was extremely low ( smaller than 1%), as was p53 nuclear staining (10-20%), both in contrast to squamous cell dysplasias or carcinomas that have a much higher percentage of positive cells. The lesion was negative for human papillomavirus subtypes associated with squamous neoplasias including carcinomas. We review the’previous literature devoted to this comparatively rare condition learn more and contrast its benign clinical course with that of inverted papillomas of the sinonasal, lacrimal drainage, and genitourinary systems and provide a set of criteria for establishing the diagnosis. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Inflammatory kidney disease is a major clinical problem that can result in end-stage renal failure. In this article, we show that Ab-mediated inflammatory kidney injury and renal disease in a mouse nephrotoxic serum nephritis model was inhibited by amino acid metabolism and a protective autophagic response.

The metabolic signal was driven by IFN-gamma-mediated induction of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) enzyme activity with subsequent activation of a stress response dependent on the eIF2 alpha kinase MK-2206 research buy general control nonderepressible 2 (GCN2). Activation of GCN2 suppressed proinflammatory cytokine production in glomeruli and reduced macrophage recruitment to the kidney during the incipient stage of Ab-induced glomerular inflammation. Further, inhibition of autophagy or genetic ablation of Ido1 or Gcn2 converted Ab-induced, self-limiting nephritis to fatal end-stage renal disease. Conversely, increasing kidney IDO1 activity or treating mice with a GCN2 agonist induced autophagy and protected mice from nephritic kidney damage. Finally, kidney tissue from patients with Ab-driven nephropathy showed increased IDO1 abundance and stress gene expression.

The production of algal bio-oil is only 14% of estimated producti

The production of algal bio-oil is only 14% of estimated production under the assumption that all of the water demand can be fulfilled without any restriction. In addition, if only the spatially and temporally available effluent is used as the sole source of water, the total bio-oil production is estimated to be 9 billion liters. This study not only quantifies the water demands of the algal bio-oil, but it also elucidates the importance of

taking water sustainability into account in the development of algal bio-oil. (c) 2013 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd”
“HIV self-testing offers CP-868596 nmr an alternative to facility-based testing that could expand HIV testing among men who have sex with men (MSM). We organized an online survey of MSM in China to better understand the frequency and correlates of HIV self-testing. A total of 1342 individuals completed the survey. About 20.3%

of MSM reported previous HIV self-testing. Self-testing was correlated with being married, having 6 or greater male anal sex partners in the past 3 months, and having HIV tested within 12 months in the multivariable analysis. Our study suggests that HIV self-testing may be able to reach subgroups of high-risk MSM and DAPT enable more frequent HIV testing.”
“The product of the CLU gene promotes or inhibits tumourigenesis in a context-dependent manner. It has been hypothesised that different CLU isoforms have different and even opposing biological functions,

but this theory has not been experimentally validated. Here we show that molecules involved in survival pathways are differentially modulated by the intracellular or secreted forms of CLU. Secreted CLU, which is selectively increased after transformation, activates the survival factor AKT, whereas intracellular CLU inhibits the activity of the oncogenic transcription factor nuclear factor kappa B. Furthermore, intracellular CLU is inactivated by the pro-proliferative and pro-survival activity of the chaperone protein HSP60 in neuroblastoma cells ON-01910 mouse by forming a physical complex. Thus, localisation is key for CLU physiology, explaining the wide range of effects in cell survival and transformation. Cell Death and Disease (2011) 2, 219; doi: 10.1038/cddis.2011.99; published online 20 October 2011″
“A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometric (LC/MS/MS) method was developed for the determination of an atypical antipsychotic drug, lurasidone, in rat plasma. The method involves the addition of acetonitrile and ziprasidone (internal standard) solution to plasma samples, followed by centrifugation. An aliquot of the supernatant was diluted with water and directly injected into the LC/MS/MS system. The separations were performed on a column packed with octadecylsilica (5 mu m, 2.0 x 50 mm) with 0.1% formic acid and 0.

This event is regulated by the Fanconi anemia pathway, which supp

This event is regulated by the Fanconi anemia pathway, which suppresses bone marrow failure and cancer. In this perspective, we focus on the structure of forks that have stalled at ICLs, how these structures might be incised by endonucleases,

and how incision is regulated by the Fanconi anemia pathway. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Infection-induced preterm birth is the largest cause of infant death and of neurological disabilities in survivors. Silibinin, from milk thistle, exerts potent anti-inflammatory activities in non-gestational tissues. The aims see more of this study were to determine the effect of silibinin on pro-inflammatory mediators in (i) human fetal membranes and myometrium treated with bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1 beta, and (ii) in preterm fetal membranes with active infection. The effect of silibinin on infection induced inflammation and brain injury in pregnant mice was also assessed. Fetal membranes and myometrium (tissue explants and primary cells) were treated with 200 mu M silibinin in the presence or absence of 10 mu g/ml LPS or 1 ng/ml IL-1 beta. C57BL/6 mice were injected with 70 mg/kg silibinin with or without 50 mu g LPS on embryonic day 16. Fetal brains were collected after 6 h. In human fetal membranes, silibinin significantly decreased LPS-stimulated expression of

IL-6 and IL-8, COX-2, and prostaglandins PGE(2) and PGF(2 alpha). In primary amnion 3-deazaneplanocin A datasheet Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Library in vitro and myometrial cells, silibinin also decreased IL-1 beta-induced MMP-9 expression. Preterm fetal membranes with active infection treated with silibinin showed a decrease in IL-6, IL-8 and MMP-9 expression. Fetal brains from mice treated with silibinin showed a significant decrease

in LPS-induced IL-8 and ninjurin, a marker of brain injury. Our study demonstrates that silibinin can reduce infection and inflammation-induced pro-labour mediators in human fetal membranes and myometrium. Excitingly, the in vivo results indicate a protective effect of silibinin on infection-induced brain injury in a mouse model of preterm birth.”
“We assume that prolonged trends of increasing concentration of hormones could be a consequence of deterioration of functioning of glands producing inhibitors of their synthesis. Such deterioration would result from loss of cellularity of the glands. Experiments in silico carried out using the model at show that, in principle, the diversity of hormonal effects that accompany phenoptosis of multicellular organisms can be provided with a simple “software mechanism”. This mechanism is based on the gradual loss of cellularity as a result of continuous run of apoptosis in some cells of the glands due to natural fluctuations in levels of intracellular inducers of apoptosis.

Protein expression levels were determined by Western blotting, an

Protein expression levels were determined by Western blotting, and the activity of Src kinase by kinase assay.\n\nResults: Actin levels were different between tumor and normal tissues, demonstrating the complexities and inhomogeneities of the tissue samples. Src selleck chemicals kinase activities were increased in the majority of the colon carcinomas as compared with normal colon epithelial cells (range 13-29). Src protein levels were reduced in the colon carcinomas. Src Y530 phosphorylation levels were reduced to a higher extent than protein levels in the carcinomas.\n\nConclusion: The results suggest that Src specific activities were highly increased in human colon

carcinomas; phosphorylation at Src Y530 was reduced, contributing to the highly elevated Src specific activity and Src kinase activity.”
“Acute mesenteric ischemia continues to be associated with high mortality. We hypothesized that delays in surgical consultation and operation are independently associated

with increased mortality and sought to identify modifiable characteristics associated with delayed management. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of 72 patients diagnosed with acute mesenteric ischemia. Twenty-six (36%) patients died, of which 14 (54%) had care withdrawn. Delay in operation (>6 hours after surgical Compound C purchase consultation) was associated with increased mortality (adjusted OR 3.7; 90% Cl, 1.1-12). For patients for whom care was not withdrawn, delay in surgical consultation (>24 hours after disease onset) was associated with increased mortality (adjusted OR, 9.4; 90% Cl, 1.3-65), as was delay in operation (adjusted OR, 4.9; 90% Cl, 1.1-22). For those managed medically, early surgical consultation was associated with improved mortality (Odds Ratio [OR], 0; 90% Confidence Interval [CI], 0-0.34). Patients with delayed surgical consultation were more likely to have abdominal distension,

elevated lactate concentration, acute renal failure, vasopressor administration, and a lack of abdominal pain. The acquisition of CT imaging trended toward an association with delayed surgical consultation (P = 0.06). We conclude that early surgical consultation is associated with improved outcome even for patients managed without operative intervention, and that CT imaging may delay appropriate care.”
“The surrounding environment near Dagang oil-production well suffers polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) pollution. In the present study, indigenous microorganisms capable of degrading PAHs were isolated and the efficiency of PAHs removal was investigated. Seven PAH-degrading strains were isolated with the ability to grow on naphthalene, phenanthrene, pyrene and fluorene. They belonged to the genus Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Rhodococcus. The strain having the highest degrading capacity for each PAH was selected by the screening test.

The monomorphic type was the most common, with diffuse large B-ce

The monomorphic type was the most common, with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma as the origin. The most frequent presentation was fever. Four in five patients had Epstein-Barr related PTLD. All patients received various regimens Kinase Inhibitor Library concentration of immunosuppression reduction (IR), with 4 converting CNI to mTOR inhibitor (imTOR). Subsequent treatment (when needed) was chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. The maximum follow-up time was 6.7 years, with a 50% mortality rate that occurred at a median time of 3.5 months (2 died with functioning kidney). All 4 patients who were in remission

at the end of follow-up had CNI conversion to imTOR, and none lost the allograft. Conclusions. Despite the small number of cases, our results confirm the high PTLD impact in overall and allograft survival. Our PTLD type distribution is in accord with the literature. First-line PTLD treatment is IR, but the best method is still unknown; our results may suggest a beneficial effect of CNI conversion to imTOR.”
“Cell-to-cell communication, or quorum sensing (QS), enables cell selleck products density-dependent regulation of bacterial gene expression which can be exploited for the autonomous-signal-guided expression of recombinant proteins (C. Y. Tsao, S. Hooshangi, H.

C. Wu, J. J. Valdes, and W. E. Bentley, Metab. Eng. 12:291-297, 2010). Earlier observations that the metabolic potential of Escherichia coli is conveyed via the QS signaling molecule autoinducer-2 (AI-2) suggested that the capacity for protein synthesis could also be affected by AI-2 signaling (M. P. DeLisa, J. J. Valdes, and W. E. Bentley, J. Bacteriol. 183:2918-2928, 2001). In this work, we found that simply adding conditioned medium containing high levels of GSK3326595 AI-2 at the same time as inducing the synthesis of recombinant proteins doubled the yield of active product. We have hypothesized that AI-2 signaling “conditions” cells as a natural consequence of cell-to-cell communication and that this could tweak the signal transduction

cascade to alter the protein synthesis landscape. We inserted luxS (AI-2 synthase) into vectors which cosynthesized proteins of interest (organophosphorus hydrolase [OPH], chloramphenicol acetyltransferase [CAT], or UV-variant green fluorescent protein [GFPuv]) and evaluated the protein expression in luxS-deficient hosts. In this way, we altered the level of luxS in the cells in order to “tune” the synthesis of AI-2. We found conditions in which the protein yield was dramatically increased. Further studies demonstrated coincident upregulation of the chaperone GroEL, which may have facilitated higher yields and is shown for the first time to be positively regulated at the posttranscriptional level by AI-2. This report is the first to demonstrate that the protein synthesis capacity of E. coli can be altered by rewiring quorum sensing circuitry.

Results: We implemented the first web server, RNASAlign, whic

\n\nResults: We implemented the first web server, RNASAlign, which can automatically identify the pseudoknot type of a secondary structure and perform structural alignment

of a folded RNA with every region of a target DNA/RNA sequence. Regions with high similarity scores and low e-values, together with the detailed alignments will be reported to the user. Experiments on more than 350 ncRNA families show that RNASAlign is effective.”
“The differences in development time, survival, mortality and life expectancy were determined for three populations of the mosquito Culex quinqueflacialus from three temperature zones in the Cundinamarca department of Colombia: Mosquera (2516 m, 15 degrees C), Fusagasuga (1728 m, 22 degrees C) and Girardot (269 m, 33 degrees C). The larvae and adults from each population were kept in laboratory conditions

JIB04 similar to those of their place of origin. Survival and mortality for each colony were recorded daily. Epoxomicin For the statistical analysis, the Kruskal Wallis test was used with Bonferroni’s modification. Development times by site were as follows: Mosquera 15.05 days, Fusagasuga 10.62 days and Girardot 7.72 days. Significant differences were only found between Mosquera and Girardot, but by analysis of the development time for larvae separately, were significant differences among all three populations. Intrapopulation differences in the three cohorts were not significant. Survival and mortality of the pre-reproductive stages showed no significant differences in the three cohorts and survival showed a type-I curve.

The life expectancy for a recently oviposited egg from Girardot was 26.06 days, from Fusagasuga it was 24.12 days and selleck compound from Mosquera it was 40.77 days. These data show that Culex quinquefasciatus has been adapting to higher elevation zones with lower temperatures without detriment to life table parameters.”
“Background: Improvements in environmental conditions may result in an earlier onset of thelarche. However, its onset is not homogeneous among different population groups. Aim. To assess the relationship between nutritional status, ethnicity and age of thelarche. Material and methods: Cross-sectional study of girls in second through sixth grade, attending 165 schools located in Chile’s Araucania region. Of these, 23.1 girls who presented thelarche (breast button) were selected. The girls’ surnames were used to identify their ethnicity: indigenous had three or four last names Mapuche indigenous origin (n =113), while non-indigenous were those who only had Chilean-Spanish last names (n = 118). Weight, height, waist circumference and skinfold thicknesses were measured and socio-economic background information was collected through a home interview. Results: The median age of thelarche was 10 years and 4 months, regardless of ethnic group.