We will then attempt to consider the later stages of dementia, in

We will then attempt to consider the later stages of dementia, in which the patient is severely demented, and eventually becomes terminally ill. Finally, we will conclude with a selleck chemical discussion of some of the trends in research and health care that will affect our consideration of value conflicts emerging in the future. Approaches in ethics The discipline of bioethics is only a little over 25 years old.5-7 The term ”bioethics“ was introduced into the English language by Potter.8 He coined the term to highlight the need Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for broad exploration of the relationship between biology and human values. The use for the term was modified and limited by the Kennedy Institute and others to focus more specifically

on the value considerations associated Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical with the introduction of new medical technology. Bioethics itself is becoming more unified and professionalized. For example, in the United States, the merging of several organizations has led to the founding

of the new American Society for Bioethics and Humanities. As an inherently interdisciplinary field, defining the knowledge base is challenging. Individuals approach bioethics through philosophy, medicine, nursing, law, empirical social sciences, anthropology, history, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and other disciplines. Appropriate standards for bioethical consultation are being developed. As mentioned above, ethical issues emerge when there are conflicts in what human beings value in a particular social context. They also relate to differences in opinion about what constitutes a virtuous individual or a good life. The dominant mode of ethics practice in the United States is based on an analytical philosophical approach and the application of principles, particularly autonomy, beneficence, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and justice.9; In this secular approach, ethical situations are analyzed in terms of balance among these principles. Autonomy relates to preserving the rights of individuals to make decisions about, their own lives. Beneficence relates to the shared responsibilities we have for each other, particularly the principle

of nonmaleficence, ie, doing no harm. Justice addresses Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical at the societal level questions of fairness in health care decision making. Ethical decisions arc seen as weighing up these three principles to arrive at the best, course of action in a. particular circumstance. Ethical analysis based on this principled approach is helpful. However, there are other complementary approaches Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II to address biomedical ethical concerns. Discourse or communicative ethics10 is perhaps less abstract and focuses on the practical real-world struggles that individuals face caring for someone with dementia. The focus is on quality communication where the development of trust and clarification of the positions of different parties in the ethical dispute are critical. Casuistry and narrative ethics11 focus on the stories that are told by individuals involved in ethical disputes.

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