This may be attributed to the fact that higher precursor concentration is more suitable for the formation of δ-Ni2Si system. Furthermore, when the pressure was higher than 15 Torr, the concentration of the Ni source was oversaturated and the morphology of the product turned into islands instead of NWs. Those islands may result from the condition selleck change to decrease the surface energy of the system by transforming into bulk-like structures, as shown in Figure 1d. Thus, the diameter of the NWs can be SGC-CBP30 clinical trial controlled under specific pressure range and the ambient pressure plays an important role in maintaining the morphology of the NWs.
Figure 1 SEM images of as-synthesized NWs at vacuum pressures of (a) 6, (b) 9, (c) 12, and (d) 15 Torr. The temperature was fixed at 400°C, reaction time was 30 min, and carrier gas flow rate was held at 30 sccm. Figure 2a,b shows a series of SEM
images of NWs with different growth times at a constant gas flow rate (30 sccm) and GSK2126458 ambient pressure (9 Torr). The yield and density increased prominently when the growth time was raised from 15 to 30 min. The XRD analysis of different reaction time is shown in Figure 2c. The characteristic peaks were examined and identified to be orthorhombic δ-Ni2Si and NiSi according to the JCPDF data base. From Figures 1 and 2, SEM images indicate that there were two types of microstructures (NWs and islands) in the products. In order to identify each phase of the microstructures of the as-grown products, structural analysis of the NWs has been mafosfamide performed. Figure 3a is the low-magnification TEM image of the NW with 30 nm in diameter. HRTEM image (Figure 3b) shows the NW of [010] growth direction with 2-nm-thick native oxide. FFT diffraction pattern of the lattice-resolved image is shown in the inset of Figure 3b, which represents the reciprocal lattice planes with [1] zone axis. The phase of the NW has been identified to be δ-Ni2Si, constructed with the orthorhombic structure by lattice parameters of a = 0.706 nm, b = 0.5 nm, and c =0.373 nm. Therefore, the as-deposited layer would be ascribed to NiSi. Figure
2 δ-Ni 2 Si NWs grown at (a) 15 and (b) 30 min, and (c) corresponding XRD analysis of products. The temperature was fixed at 400°C, ambient pressure was 9 Torr, and the carrier gas flow rate was 30 sccm. Figure 3 Low-magnification (a) and high-resolution TEM images (b) of δ-Ni 2 Si NWs grown at 400°C, 9 Torr, and 30-sccm Ar flow. The image shows that there exists an oxide layer with 2 nm in thickness on the NW. The inset in (b) shows the corresponding FFT diffraction pattern with a [1] zone axis and [010] growth direction. The schematic illustration of the growth mechanism is in Figure 4. In the Ni-Si binary alloy system, it has been investigated that Ni atoms are the dominant diffusion species during the growth of orthorhombic δ-Ni2Si and NiSi [26].