The linear operators P d , Q d , P m , and Q m can be expressed i

The linear operators P d , Q d , P m , and Q m can be expressed in the form of (A.4a) (A.4b) where i (i = 0, 1, 2,…) is determined by the viscoLuminespib elastic model to be selected, t is time, and , , , and are the components Combretastatin A4 related to the materials property constants, such as elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio etc. For a pure elastic

system, the four linear operators are reduced to (A.5) which, according to the elastic stress-strain relations, are correlated as (A.6) where G and K are the shear modulus and bulk modulus, respectively. Combining Equation (A.6) with (A.7) the reduced elastic modulus can be expressed by the elastic linear operators as (A.8) Hence, Equation (A.1) becomes (A.9) To evolve the elastic solution into a viscoelastic solution, the linear operators in the viscoelastic system need to be determined. To this end, the standard solid model, shown in Figure 2(a), was used to simulate the viscoelastic behavior of the sample, since both the instantaneous and retarded elastic responses can be reflected in this model, which well describes the mechanical response of most viscoelastic bodies. It is customary to assume that the volumetric MK0683 response under the hydrostatic stress is elastic deformation; thus, it is uniquely determined by the spring in

series [55]. Hence, the four linear operators for the standard solid model can be expressed as (A.10) where , E 1, E 2, v 1, and v 2 are the elastic modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the two elastic components, respectively, shown in Figure 2. Plugging Equation (A.10) into Equation (A.9), the relation between F(t) and δ(t) can be found. The functional differential equation that extends the elastic solution of indentation to viscoelastic system is obtained (A.11) where A 0 = 2q 0 + 3K 1, A 1 = p 1(3K

1 + 2q 0) + (3p 1 K 1 + 2q 1), A 2 = p 1(3p 1 K 1 + 2q 1), B 0 = q 0(1 + 6 K 1), B 1 = q 0(p 1 + 6K 1 p 1) + q 1(6K 1 + 1), and B 2 = q 1(p 1 + 6K 1 p 1). Acknowledgements Funding support is provided by ND NASA EPSCoR FAR0017788. Use of the Advanced Photon Source, Electron Microscopy Center, and Center of Nanoscale Materials, an Office of Science User Docetaxel chemical structure Facilities operated for the U. S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science by Argonne National Laboratory, was supported by the U.S. DOE under Contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. References 1. Zaitlin M: Discoveries in Plant Biology, ed S D K a S F Yang. HongKong: World Publishing Co., Ltd; 1998:105–110.CrossRef 2. Hou CX, Luo Q, Liu JL, Miao L, Zhang CQ, Gao YZ, Zhang XY, Xu JY, Dong ZY, Liu JQ: Construction of GPx active centers on natural protein nanodisk/nanotube: a new way to develop artificial nanoenzyme. ACS Nano 2012, 6:8692–8701.CrossRef 3. Hefferon KL: Plant virus expression vectors set the stage as production platforms for biopharmaceutical proteins. Virology 2012, 433:1–6.CrossRef 4.

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