The Equatorial Atlantic also exhibits large model-data discrepancies in fluxes (Fig. 5). This is one of the most perplexing basins, since the model pCO2 results, by all the forcings, are consistent with data: ECMWF and MERRA are within 5 μatm (1.2%) while the two NCEP forcings are within 1 μatm (0.2%) (Fig. 7). Fluxes are a non-linear function of pCO2 (actually delta pCO2), with functions involving wind speed and temperature contributing to the non-linearity (Wanninkhof, 1992). Small differences in these variables may produce
large changes in the fluxes. It is important to remember that the LDEO air–sea fluxes are estimates derived from observed ΔpCO2 and estimated wind speeds, along with a gas transfer coefficient PD98059 ic50 (Takahashi et al., 2009). Gröger and Mikolajewicz (2011) have suggested that the Schmidt number for flux estimates (involved in the gas transfer coefficient) could have issues at temperatures > 30 °C, but neither the sea surface temperature climatologies used by LDEO (from Conkright et al., 2002) or the SST climatologies in our reanalysis data ever exceed this threshold in the Equatorial Atlantic. Additionally, our use of this parameter is the same as for the in situ estimates (Takahashi et al., 2009). As with several other basins, when we
account for sampling, the disparity in fluxes is much smaller. Z-VAD-FMK solubility dmso The in situ flux estimates decline by P-type ATPase nearly half, from 0.63 to 0.33 mol C m−2 y−1. This produces in situ flux estimates similar to the NCEP2 fluxes shown in Fig. 5. MERRA-forced model fluxes sampled to the in situ estimates (Fig. 11) decline only about 0.07 mol C m−2 y−1, so they remain essentially the same as shown in Fig. 5 for this basin. This means that when sampling biases are removed, the difference between MERRA-estimated fluxes and in situ estimates is about the same as the
difference between the model forced by MERRA and by NCEP2. Residual differences are likely due to wind speed resolution differences (we interpolate reanalysis data to the native model grid, 1.25° longitude by 0.67° latitude, compared to the NCEP2 reanalysis re-gridded to 5° longitude by 4° latitude resolution by LDEO). When we interpolate our NCEP2 wind speed reanalysis data over the LDEO resolution, we find a mean increase of 1.86 m s−1 in the Equatorial Atlantic, which would lead to enhanced atmosphere–ocean carbon exchange. Re-gridding can be sensitive to data frequency distributions, especially in small basins such as this one. It can also increase the influence of values over land, which may affect the representation of the mean wind speeds.