The data shown is based on all habitats of devices of types-1, 2 and 5. Measurements of habitats inoculated from the same culture set were averaged before combining them with data from other experiments. PF-01367338 solubility dmso (D) Average occupancies
of strains JEK1036 (green solid line) and strain JEK1037 (red solid line) as function of time, dashed lines indicate 95% confidence intervals. (E) Occupancy of strain JEK1036 plotted as function of the occupancy of strain JEK1037 at t = 18 h. Each point corresponds to the average occupancy obtained in the habitats inoculated from the same culture set. Symbols indicate the device type: plus-signs (+): type-1, stars (*): type-2, crosses (x): type-5. (F) Distribution of occupancies of strain JEK1036 (G) and JEK1037 (R) at the end of the colonization (t = 18 h) and averaged over the entire colonization phase (3 < t < 18 h). (PDF 233 KB) Additional file 7: Devices inoculated at both ends with a mixed culture of strains JEK1036 and JEK1037. (A) Kymographs of fluorescence intensity for a device with separate inlets (type 1; Figure 1A) inoculated at both ends with a single mixed culture of strains JEK1036 and JEK1037, with the kymograph of RFP (JEK1037) on the left, of GFP (JEK1036) in the middle and of the combined colors on the right. Note how the two strains remain
mixed throughout the experiments, in contrast, the strains remain spatially segregated when inoculated from opposite sides of the habitat,
as shown in panel D. (B) Kymographs of fluorescence intensity for a device with a single inlet (type 2; Figure 1B) Selleck MK-1775 inoculated at both ends with a single mixed culture of strains JEK1036 and JEK1037, with the kymograph of RFP (JEK1037) on the left, of GFP (JEK1036) in the middle and of the combined colors on the right. (C) Kymographs of fluorescence intensity for a different habitat in the same device as shown in panel B, inoculated at both ends with a single mixed culture of strains JEK1036 and JEK1037, note the similarity between the patterns in panels B and C. (D) As reference N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase the kymographs are shown for the habitat shown in Figure 4A, with the kymograph of RFP (JEK1037) on the left, of GFP (JEK1036) in the middle and of the combined colors on the right. (PDF 7 MB) Additional file 8: Interactions between chemically coupled, but physically separated population. Kymographs are shown for two type-3 devices. The fluorescence intensities of the top and bottom habitat are superimposed: cells in the top habitat are shown in red and cells in the bottom habitat in green. Note that both habitats are inoculated from the same (JEK1036, green) culture, and that the bacteria in the upper and lower habitats are spatially confined to their own habitat. (PDF 4 MB) Additional file 9: Similarity between spatiotemporal patterns.