The 2DE patterns were highly similar, presenting numerous promine

The 2DE patterns were highly similar, presenting numerous prominent common spots that could be used as landmarks. From 2DE gels of CFP preparations from M. bovis BCG Moreau, 158 spots were identified. The M r and pI values estimated by 2DE showed a good correlation with expected values; however 34% of the identified proteins were detected in 2 or more spots with different M r and/or pI. This is probably due to post-translational modifications (PTMs) such as glycosylation, phosphorylation or other modifications already described for several

of the identified proteins [37–40]. For example, Rv1827 (BCG1862, Cfp17, GarA; spots 80, 81, 82) and Rv0020c (BCG0050c, TB39.8. FhaA; spots 8, 9 and 10) possess FHA domains that bind phosphothreonine [40], and Rv0685 (BCG0734, Tuf; spots 28, 29, 30 and 31) is also described as being phosphorylated in the same amino see more acid residues [38]. Protein modifications in prokaryotes are of great biological

interest but are not yet well understood. In this work we observed several deaminated proteins (approximately 22%), possibly associated with important biological processes such as protein turnover, molecular aging and cell adhesion [41]. In addition, deamination may be useful for the refinement of protein searches by MS/MS as well as tryptophan oxidation and N-terminal pyroglutamylation [42], which are also observed in several peptides identified in this study (Additional file EPZ004777 in vitro 2, Table S1). Interestingly, Amrubicin formylation was only observed for one N-terminal methionine residue in Rv1827 (BCG1862, Cfp17, GarA), a FHA domain-containing protein that constitutes the major substrate for an essential kinase, PknB, in Mtb cell

extracts [43]. Formylated peptides and proteins are specific signatures of bacterial metabolism, and attractive targets to the innate immune system, serving as potent chemoattractants for mammalian phagocytic leukocytes [44]. The lack of other proteins showing this particular PTM could also indicate that peptide deformylases are operating with high efficiency. Another chemical modification observed was threonine acetylation. Although N-terminal acetylation is common in eukaryotic proteins, it has been reported to be rare in prokaryotes [45]. This PTM is present in 2 proteins identified as putative ESAT-6 like proteins, EsxI (Rv1037c, BCG1095c) and EsxN (Rv1793, BCG1825) (Additional file 2, Table S1). The N-terminal acetylation may not always alter function, but in Mtb it has been shown that antigen ESAT-6, which normally interacts with the protein CFP-10, fails to do so when acetylated [46], possibly hindering its secretion via the mycobacterial-specific type VII secretion system [47]. In the current study, only 21 (21%) of the identified proteins were found to have a predicted signal peptide. Of these, 13 have one predicted TM segment coinciding with the predicted signal peptide region.

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