HPSE-low and HPSE-high CAG myeloma cells were seeded at a concent

HPSE-low and HPSE-high CAG myeloma cells were seeded at a concentration SB431542 chemical structure of 5 × 105 cells/ml in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and incubated for 48 h at 37 °C and 5% CO2 in a humidified chamber. Medium conditioned by the cells was collected at the end of the incubation period and centrifuged at 1000 rpm to remove all the cells. The clarified medium was then aliquoted and stored at 4 °C or − 20 °C until further use. To prepare primary murine osteoblastic progenitors, calvaria were excised from newborn C57BL/6 mice, washed in RPMI 1640 medium, and digested in α-MEM medium containing 0.1% collagenase type A and

0.05% trypsin–EDTA at 37 °C for 20 min, 30 min and 90 min respectively [1]. The supernatant from the first two digestions was discarded, and the cell pellet from the third digestion was resuspended in serum free α-MEM medium, washed and plated onto 100 mm dishes and grown in α-MEM medium supplemented with 10% FCS, 1% glutamine, 1% streptomycin and 1% penicillin until confluent. Upon reaching confluence, the expanded cells were placed in osteogenic medium (α-MEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% streptomycin and 1% penicillin,

10 mM β-glycerophosphate and 50 μg/ml ascorbic acid) in the absence or presence of rHPSE (50 ng/ml) or in a 1:1 mixture of osteogenic medium and conditioned medium (CM) from CAG myeloma HPSE-low or HPSE-high cells. In a separate experiment, the primary murine osteoblastic progenitors were cultured in the above conditions with or without selleck chemicals DKK1 inhibitor (3.0 mM). The medium was replaced every 3 days and cell protein was isolated at the times indicated. The same populations of primary murine osteoblastic progenitors were also cultured in adipocyte differentiation medium (α-MEM medium supplemented with 10% FBS, 1% streptomycin

and 1% penicillin, 10 μg/ml insulin, 0.25 μM dexamethasone and 0.5 mM 1-methyl-3-isobutylxanthine) in the absence or presence of rHPSE or with the 1:1 addition of the CM of CAG HPSE-low or HPSE-high cells. Culture medium was changed every 3 days and protein and conditioned medium were collected at day 10. After primary Racecadotril murine calvarial osteoblastic progenitors were cultured in osteogenic medium for 14 days, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) staining for the evaluation of recruitment into the osteoblastic lineage was performed using an ALP kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (Sigma). Von Kossa staining was performed at day 21 of cell culture for the measurement of matrix mineralization and as a measure of the differentiation of mature osteoblasts. Similarly, Oil Red O staining was performed on the cells cultured toward adipocytes for 10 days. All staining was performed following the manufacturer’s recommendations as we have described [20]. Equal amounts of protein (80 μg) were subjected to 4–12% gradient SDS-PAGE (BioRad) and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane (Schleicher and Schuell, Dassel, Germany) [33].

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