, 2010) The question remains, therefore, whether

, 2010). The question remains, therefore, whether CP-868596 cell line intelligence

is supported by one or multiple systems, and if the latter is the case, which cognitive processes those systems can most broadly be described as supporting. Furthermore, even if multiple functionally distinct brain networks contribute to intelligence, it is unknown whether the capacities of those networks are independent or are related to the same set of diffuse biological factors that modulate general neural efficiency. It is unclear, therefore, whether the pattern of individual differences in intelligence reflects the functional organization of the brain. Here, we address the question of whether human intelligence is best conceived of as an emergent property of functionally distinct brain networks using factor analyses of brain imaging, behavioral,

and simulated data. First, we break MD cortex down into its constituent functional networks by factor analyzing regional activation levels during the performance of 12 challenging cognitive tasks. Then, we build a model, based on the extent to which the different functional networks are recruited during the performance of those 12 tasks, and determine how well that model accounts for cross-task correlations in performance in a large (n = 44,600) population sample. Factor solutions, generated from brain imaging Selleck FDA-approved Drug Library and behavioral data, are compared directly, to answer the question of whether the same set of cognitive entities is evident in the functional organization of the brain and in individual differences in performance. Simulations, based on the imaging data, are used to determine

the extent to which correlations between first-order behavioral components are predicted by cognitive tasks recruiting multiple functional brain networks, and the extent to which those correlations may be accounted for by a spatially diffuse general factor. Finally, we examine whether the behavioral components of intelligence show a degree of independence, as evidenced by dissociable Non-specific serine/threonine protein kinase correlations with the types of questionnaire variable that “g” has historically been associated with. Sixteen healthy young participants undertook the cognitive battery in the MRI scanner. The cognitive battery consisted of 12 tasks, which, based on well-established paradigms from the neuropsychology literature, measured a range of the types of planning, reasoning, attentional, and working memory skills that are considered akin to general intelligence (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures available online).

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