2005). In contrast, small islands such as atolls on pinnacles rising from abyssal Sepantronium in vitro depths may derive some protection due to minimal shoaling. The Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004 caused extensive damage on coastal terrace infrastructure in the high islands of the Seychelles. The shallow continental shelf promoted shoaling and refraction or diffraction to the back side of islands such as Mahé (Fig. 8b), while atolls of the southern Seychelles in deep water were largely unaffected (Shaw et al. 2005). Not all atolls
ICG-001 in the Indian Ocean were thus protected. The same event inundated numerous atolls in the Maldive Islands, causing runup to 1.8 m MSL in South Maalhosmadulu Atoll (Kench et al. 2006). The location of this island on a broad carbonate bank with depths <500 m may have contributed
to shoaling and exacerbated the impact. Elsewhere in the Maldives, overland flow depths Selleck Tipifarnib up to 4 m were documented (Fritz et al. 2006). The foregoing observations pertain to large-scale basin-crossing tsunami such as the 2004 event in the Indian Ocean or its 1833 equivalent (Zachariasen et al. 1999; Shaw et al. 2005). The 1755 Lisbon earthquake and a lesser event in 1761 are the only trans-oceanic tsunami reported in the Caribbean in the past 600 years (O’Loughlin and Lander 2003). On the other hand, regional and locally generated tsunami pose a critical threat to low-lying settlements and infrastructure in many island settings, particularly in the Caribbean, where of 85 recorded
tsunami events since 1498, 17 have caused in total more than 15,000 human fatalities (Harbitz et al. 2012). Caribbean tsunami result from earthquakes along the Caribbean plate boundary, from related volcanic eruptions in the Lesser Antilles, and from onshore and submarine landslides. The highest tsunami in the region, resulting from an 1867 Virgin Islands earthquake, affected all the islands in the Lesser Antilles, with recently reassessed runup heights ranging up to 10 m (Harbitz et al. 2012). Slope instabilities on the flanks of active volcanic islands such as Tenerife in the Atlantic (e.g., Krastel et al. 2001) or La Réunion in the Indian Ocean (Oehler et al. 2008) constitute another major tsunami below hazard and may result from dome or flank collapse, pyroclastic debris flows (lahars), or explosive submarine eruptions. There are 12 active volcanoes in the 10 major inner-arc islands of the Lesser Antilles and catastrophic flank collapse is a significant hazard (e.g., Boudon et al. 2007; Le Friant et al. 2006, 2009). Many island coasts in the Lesser Antilles have cliffs cut into volcano flank slopes—displacement of landslide blocks into the ocean is recognized as another major tsunami trigger. With the closely spaced islands in this region, tsunami travel times are short. Teeuw et al.