Immediately after the noise exposure, 12 genes were downregulated

Immediately after the noise exposure, 12 genes were downregulated, whereas only one gene (Traf4) was upregulated. At 4 h post-exposure, eight genes were upregulated; three (Tnrsf1a, Tnfrsf1b, Tnfrst5) belonged to the Tnfrsf

family, three (Bir3, Mcl1 and Prok2) have anti-apoptotic properties and one (Gadd45a) is a target of p53. At 7 days post-exposure, all the upregulated genes returned to pre-noise levels. Interestingly, the normal control cochlea had high constitutive levels of several apoptosis-related genes. These constitutively expressed genes, together with the inducible genes, may participate in the induction of cochlear apoptotic activity. (C) 2009 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) has been reported in different conditions accompanied by hyperthermia, but the Paclitaxel role of brain temperature per se in modulating brain barrier functions has not been directly examined. To delineate the contribution of this factor, we examined albumin immunoreactivity in several brain structures (cortex, hippocampus, selleckchem thalamus and hypothalamus) of pentobarbital-anesthetized rats (50

mg/kg i.p.), which were passively warmed to different levels of brain temperature (32-42 degrees C). Similar brain structures were also examined for the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), an index of astrocytic selleck compound activation, water and ion content, and morphological cell abnormalities. Data were compared with those obtained from drug-free awake rats with normal brain temperatures (36-37 degrees C). The numbers of albumin- and GFAP-positive cells strongly correlate with brain temperature, gradually increasing from similar to 38.5 degrees C and plateauing at 41-42 degrees C. Brains maintained at hyperthermia also showed larger content of brain water and Na(+), K(+) and Cl(-) as well as structural abnormalities of brain cells, all suggesting

acute brain edema. The latter alterations were seen at similar to 39 degrees C, gradually progressed with temperature increase, and peaked at maximum hyperthermia. Temperature-dependent changes in albumin immunoreactivity tightly correlated with GFAP immunoreactivity, brain water, and numbers of abnormal cells; they were found in each tested area, but showed some structural specificity. Notably, a mild BBB leakage, selective glial activation, and specific cellular abnormalities were also found in the hypothalamus and piriform cortex during extreme hypothermia (32-33 degrees C); in contrast to hyperthermia these changes were associated with decreased levels of brain water, Na(+) and K(+), suggesting acute brain dehydration. Therefore, brain temperature per se is an important factor in regulating BBB permeability, alterations in brain water homeostasis, and subsequent structural abnormalities of brain cells. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO.

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