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The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors’ contributions JAR-A, JT-F, and AA-L carried out the PCR experiments but were also involved in all of the experimental work. GH-F, PCO-L, and JML-D made up the cell culture and devised drug treatment and flow cytometry for apoptosis detection. RdC determined cell survival. AB-C, CG-D, OG-R, and EB-C were involved in the recruitment of patients with leukemia and controls. AA-L and LFJ-S performed the statistical analysis, conceived of and designed the study, and wrote the manuscript. All Amino acid authors helped to draft the manuscript and in reading and approving this final version.”
“1. Introduction Malignant glioma is one of the most common and fatal types of brain tumors in humans [1]. It is the second major cause of cancer-related deaths in both children and young adults, and it is the second fastest growing cause of cancer deaths among those over 65 years old [2–4]. Even when treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the median life expectancy of brain cancer patients is only 12-14 months [5, 6].