, 2001). Associative odor learning modifies piriform cortical odor-evoked activity as assessed with single-unit recording (Calu et al., 2007, Roesch et al., 2007 and Zinyuk et al., selleck chemicals 2001), ensemble recording (J. Chapuis and D.A. Wilson, 2010, Soc. Neurosci., abstract; Kadohisa and Wilson, 2006), local field potential recording (Chapuis et al., 2009 and Martin et al., 2006), 2-deoxyglucose uptake (Moriceau and Sullivan, 2004), and c-fos immune reactivity
( Datiche et al., 2001). These evoked response changes may reflect synaptic or neural plasticity within the olfactory cortex itself ( Brosh and Barkai, 2004 and Saar and Barkai, 2003) or reflect changes in functional connectivity within the larger network of which the olfactory cortex is a part ( Martin et al., 2007 and Martin et al., 2004). For example, odor learning modifies the synaptic strength of both olfactory bulb and orbitofrontal cortex projections to the piriform cortex ( Cohen selleck chemical et al., 2008). As described above, this rich experience-dependent plasticity may be involved not only in associating odors with context or outcome, but also in helping modify sensory acuity for the familiar or learned odor (J. Chapuis
and D.A. Wilson, 2010, Soc. Neurosci., abstract; Chen et al., 2011 and Kadohisa and Wilson, 2006). In addition to experience-dependent changes in functional connectivity of the olfactory cortex, connectivity is also influenced by behavioral state. Single-unit and local field potential responses to odor in the anterior piriform cortex are greatly reduced during slow-wave sleep (Barnes et al., 2011, Murakami et al., 2005 and Wilson, 2010) and certain stages of anesthesia (Fontanini and Bower, 2005). Although there is a circadian rhythm in olfactory sensitivity in rodents (Granados-Fuentes et al., 2006), the sleep-related cortical hyposensitivity is rapid, is selective to slow-wave sleep and not REM and does not appear in the olfactory bulb (Barnes et al., 2011, Murakami
et al., 2005 and Wilson, 2010). Piriform cortical MRIP activity during slow-wave sleep is dominated by sharp waves (Manabe et al., 2011), similar to those observed in hippocampus (Buzsáki, 1986), and single-unit activity during these sharp waves is shaped by recent odor experience (Wilson, 2010). This latter observation may suggest an opportunity for odor “replay” during slow-wave sleep while the cortex is otherwise hyporesponsive to afferent input. Such replay could help consolidate intracortical association fiber plasticity underlying memory of new odor objects (Wilson, 2010), as well as send a strong excitatory feedback to olfactory bulb that could be critical for survival of odor-specific populations of newborn granule cells (Manabe et al., 2011).