5, I = 0 2) at 25°C were calculated to be 14 ± 3M−1 and 18 ± 4M−1

5, I = 0.2) at 25°C were calculated to be 14 ± 3M−1 and 18 ± 4M−1, respectively. The CD spectrum of insulin glargine (0.1mM) showed Akt inhibitor negative bands at 210nm and 220nm in phosphate buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2) (Figure 2(b)). The two negative bands assigned to α-helics (a characteristic feature of the monomer) and β-sheets (a predominant feature of dimer) structures [24]. In the presence of Sul-β-CyD (10mM), the both negative bands at 210nm and 220nm in the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical CD spectrum of insulin glargine remarkably increased. These results indicate that Sul-β-CyD decreased the content of monomer and dimer of insulin glargine in phosphate buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2). Meanwhile, the CD spectrum of insulin

glargine in the presence of SBE7-β-CyD was changed only very slightly, compared to that of insulin glargine

alone, suggesting that SBE7-β-CyD did not induce a conformational Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical change of insulin glargine in phosphate buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2). To gain insight into the mechanism of the interaction mode of these anionic β-CyDs with insulin glargine, further investigation should be required using NMR technique. Collectively, these results strongly suggest that the interaction mode of Sul-β-CyD and SBE7-β-CyD against insulin glargine is much different; namely, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Sul-β-CyD, but not SBE7-β-CyD, induces topological change of insulin glargine in phosphate buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2), and this difference may contribute to explaining the observed differences in in vivo behavior as well. Figure 2 Effects of Sul-β-CyD and SBE7-β-CyD (10mM) on fluorescence spectrum (a), circular dichroism spectrum of insulin glargine (0.1mM) in phosphate Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2) at 25°C. The excitation wavelength in measurement … 3.2. Solubility Studies The preferred presentation for administration by subcutaneous injection is a clear aqueous solution, and so this is the desired form for administration of insulin and its analogues. However, insulin or insulin analogues are poorly soluble in aqueous solution, in particular at around their isoelectric point (pI), approximately pH 6.7,

close to the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical physiological pH [25]. Hence, the effects of Sul-β-CyD and SBE7-β-CyD on solubility of insulin glargine were examined. As shown in Figure 3, the solubility of insulin tuclazepam glargine in phosphate buffer at pH 9.5 was significantly increased by the addition of Sul-β-CyD or SBE7-β-CyD and so appears to be due to an inclusion complexation and electrostatic interaction between insulin glargine and the selected anionic β-CyDs. These results suggest that Sul-β-CyD and SBE7-β-CyD potentially enhance the solubility of insulin glargine in phosphate buffer. Figure 3 Effects of Sul-β-CyD and SBE7-β-CyD (10mM) on solubility of insulin glargine in phosphate buffer (pH 9.5, I = 0.2) at 25°C. Each value represents the mean ± S.E.M. of 3 experiments. *P < 0.05, compared … 3.3.

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