PAR CLIP has also been implemented to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of human antigen R pro tein, which stabilizes gene expression by binding to AU rich elements, and to identify the transcriptome wide distribution of non poly termination factors in yeast. In addition to enabling Tipifarnib Transferase inhibitor efficient crosslinking, PAR CLIP generates frequent and non random nucleo tide substitutions at crosslinking sites to reveal specific RBP RNA contact sites with nucleotide resolution. Until recently, CLIP and PAR CLIP have been limited to investigation of individual RBPs. Two recent studies introduced the use of photoactivatable ribonucleoside Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries enhanced UV crosslinking with oligo pull down of mRNAs followed by tandem mass spectrometry to glob ally identify mRNA binding proteins in human cell lines.
In Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries addition to identifying known RBPs, these studies identified 315 and 245 novel RBPs that lack canonical RNA binding domains and functional annotation as RNA binding proteins. Castello et Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries al. found that RBP amino acid sequences are more disor dered than those Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries of non RBPs and identified potential new classes of RNA binding domains. Baltz et al. additionally captured and sequenced protein bound mRNAs, providing a transcriptome wide map of poten tial cis regulatory elements. Despite recent advances towards understanding global RBP RNA interactions, the dynamic nature of these associations in vivo and the general principles driving these associations remain unexplored. Here, we adapt the PAR CLIP technique to map all RBP binding sites across the yeast non translating mRNAs in different environmental conditions, a method we call global PAR CLIP.
The comprehensive identification of RBP RNA crosslinked sites visualized by gPAR CLIP allows us to derive general properties of RBP RNA interactions in vivo. Additionally, we compared RBP RNA crosslinked sites in rapidly proliferating versus stress treated cells and observed large scale changes in RBP RNA interactions, Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries providing a starting point for dissecting the network of post transcriptional gene regu latory mechanisms underlying stress response. Results gPAR CLIP identifies transcriptome wide RBP crosslinking sites To construct a global map of RBP binding sites on the transcriptome in vivo, we combined PAR CLIP with high throughput sequencing. Briefly, we metabolically incorporated the photoactivatable nucleobase analog 4 thiouracil in growing yeast and used UV irradiation to crosslink 4sU to juxtaposed proteins, freezing protein RNA interac tions in vivo. Next, we implemented three biochemical strategies to capture RNA regions bound by the pro teome sucrose gradient centrifugation to reduce ribo some abundance. oligo selection to deplete abundant structural non coding RNAs. and chemical biotinylation of proteins.